Christian Schulte

Christian Schulte

Christian Schulte is a self-confessed Cologne Fan and loves gadgets and new technologies. After graduation in business administration he founded his first B2B startup, before he worked as management consultant. Having gained experience in corporate strategy and finance departments, he founded his second startup and worked for 10 years within the field of mobile web and apps. During this time he learned a lot about execution, growth and the difficulties of building profitable business models. Christian is driven by numbers and focused on finding the balance between vision and reality.

Christian is married and has two children. If you can’t find him with his family in Cologne’s public parks and pools, he is probably cooking and having a barbecue.

Career: econia AG, Sapient, DEXIA, T-Mobile International, Blue Lion mobile

Education: M.Sc. Business Administration Otto Beisheim School of Management (WHU), Pennsylvania State University, Ecole des Hautes Etudes Commerciales du Nord (EDHEC)